
Sunday, September 21, 2008

What Was Lost Now Is Found!

Well, Brock's bike was found by the manager of our little community/apartment complex! (woot.) Yeah apparently the neighbor boys stole it. So I called the cops to let them know we had gotten the bike back and I also asked that they go talk to the family/little boy to let them know that what they did was wrong. Because stealing IS wrong.

Speaking of stealing... I have come into possession of information that would probably make people want to steal. My father in law revealed the long awaited, divinely inspired, secret of AUNT LYNELL'S SALSA!! And guess what.. I didn't have to steal the information. It was willingly given to me. I have it secretly written down in my mind and I wont give it up. But the recipe does go a little something like this....

1 cup Magic
2 cups Yummy things
3 tsp Envy
1 Pinch of Addiction
and some cilantro... not parsley.

I will not break, though you may try I'm too strong. Knowing the recipe makes my life worth more... so perhaps if I am ever in a situation like Michael Scofield I will be able to use it as leverage. Just as he uses his intellect, charm, and good looks to stay out of jail and help the government bring down "The company" by rescuing the contents of "scylla".

"I'll never tell..."

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