
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The Mall of America

OK. Seriously.

I love shopping.

You'll be proud (you Brock, if you're reading this). I didn't buy anything except food, an aquarium pass which I got for $5 off, and a pony for Blakely from Build-A-Bear.

The first 15 min or so of being in the mall I was seriously giddy. This was a moment in history. A "first" in my life. I have now visited THE Mall of America. Well, at least I visited 1/2 the shops on first floor... so more like I've visited 1/16 of mall but ya know :-)

Today was fun. We walked though Nickelodeon World where all the rides and roller coasters are, saw giant Lego's at the Lego store, saw the Peeps Candy store, American Girl Doll store, lots of new restaurants, and went to the aquarium. The aquarium was SO cool. I think that was mine and Blakely's favorite part. Here... why don't I show ya some pictures from the day:

Oh, and of course! Today was Brock's official first day as a 3M intern (yes, we do get a discount on sticky notes now!). It went really well. Apparently everyone is jealous that he got the Dekalb location because his boss is the best and is known for really accelerating people's careers. Everything he learned about made this experience just seem that much cooler!

Well, I better head to bed. I drove us all the way here (5.5 hours) and I'm thinking Brock will want me to drive us all the way back :-)

Love and hugs from St Paul, Minnesota!

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