
Monday, July 7, 2014

A Special Sunday... A Tale of Two Stories

Well, this Sunday (yesterday) we found out ward was being "split". Our stake received permission from the First Presidency of the church (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints), to create a branch (smaller congregation) for the members that live in Rochelle (30 minute drive west).

This is a great thing as well as a sad thing. Sad because we will miss a few friends, but great because now they won't be driving so far on Sundays and for activities.

I wanted to share a few things that happened in Relief Society that really made me feel happy. We spoke about recognizing the Spirit, or Holy Ghost (LDS church member believe that the Holy Ghost is one of the three members of the Godhead).

Story One: The Power of Respect, and Inviting the Spirit into Your Life

Ever Sunday I've been to in Sycamore, Sister Evans seems to say something worth writing down :) and she didn't fail me this Sunday (I keep my notes in Evernote, but I'll share this one here). I can't remember exactly what we were talking about but she was asking for people to share experiences with the feeling the Holy Ghost. So I shared the following story:

"It was Saturday night, two weeks ago, when I was sitting down to prepare my lesson. I've been trying really hard not to plan my lessons on Saturday night (aka procrastinate) but I just did. I felt bad, but I was going to fight the fatigue and do my best to plan. I was sitting on our little couch in our hotel room with my computer on my lap. I thought to myself, "You should say a prayer to ask for help in planning your lesson". Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. So I sat there are started a silent prayer to my Heavenly Father that I could have the Spirit with me as I prepared and as I taught. Well as I started praying I had another thought, "Get on your knees".

Boy am I glad I chose not to be lazy. I put the laptop to my side, got off the couch and knelt in prayer. A calm feeling, a feeling of respect came over me. I knew that by kneeling I was showing respect to the Lord.

Well he must have heard my prayer, because the next day class went amazing. I have literally never taught a lesson where the boys (or any other of my classes) were so respectful and reverent. I honestly believe the reason why is because I made just a small effort to show respect, as well as had an honest, sincere desire to teach by the Spirit, that I was guided in what I should say, the questions I should ask, and the stories I told. "

As I finished (aka tried to hold back tears) telling this story, trying to share how powerfully I felt the Lord bless my life, Sister Evans had a few tears run down her face. She thanked me for sharing, as well as thanked me for being her son's teacher.

After class she hugged me and thanked me again, saying she was happy we were in the ward. I feel so loved and blessed here. I am going to miss it so badly when we leave. It's amazing how fast these people have taken a place in my heart.

Which is a perfect segway into my next story....

Story Two: Feeling Christ-like Love for Your Fellow Man
Now a lot of this is hard for me to explain (it's hard to explain emotion and feelings in a way that translate to the reader) but I'll do my best.

The first Fast-Sunday we were in Sycamore (June) a sister in our congregation got up to bear her testimony. I won't share her name, but let's call her Maria. Maria is from Honduras, and does not speak very much English. When she got up to bear her testimony, she did so in Spanish. It had been a while since I'd had an experience like this. The last time I was in a testimony meeting where multiple languages were being spoken, I was in Brazil, bearing my testimony to the same ward that my husband served as a missionary in.

I remembered the anxious excitement I felt in Brazil. I remembered being nervous and asking, "should I even do this?"

So after Maria sat down, I decided I was going to get up and bear my testimony. I spoke in English, but I also bore my testimony in ever spanish word I knew that related to the gospel. I thanked Maria for her beautiful testimony and for her courage.

Well, that experience has led to a HUGE chain of events that literally has changed my life.

Because of Maria, the Spanish-speaking sister missionaries (the Hermanas) approached me about going on visits with them.

Because of Maria, I've gone out with the Hermana missionaries and have had so many faith-building experiences that confirm my commitment and belief that I belong to the restored church of Jesus Christ, the son of the one true living God.

Because of Maria, on Sunday (yesterday) I was able to have a very unique, nearly unexplainable experience with understand the love the Lord has for us. It is this experience I wanted to share.

First, I think providing a bit of background on my relationship with Maria would be helpful. Because there's actually not much. I've only interacted with her a handful of times, and to be honest I didn't learn (remember) her name until Sunday. I've only ever seen her on Sunday. We've spoken I think three times, and two of which were just in passing in the little Spanish I know. I do happen to know a bit more about her background, which I hope its OK to share. She is from Honduras, and having a hard time getting her work card/visa (?) so she can legally work in the United States. She had been working at a restaurant, washing dishes working 50+ hours/week for only $200/month. What?! When I found this out I was very frustrated. She sends the money home to her family in Honduras and barely has a bill left for her and her husband when she is done. I asked a friend I made at the hotel we are staying at if there is a possibility that they hire housekeepers in Maria's situation. I just felt like I had to do something to help this woman.

Well, on Sunday after Relief Society I went to speak with Maria, since she would no longer be attending my ward, but the newly established Rochelle Branch.

I tried to tell her that I hope she would be happy, and that I hoped to see her again. I thanked her for her testimony and told her that she gave me the courage to bear my testimony in Spanish, which has led to so many blessing in my life. I don't know how many times we hugged, or how many minutes the hugs lasted. But honestly, I have never felt the way I did when I was hugging her. It was like the genuine love and care for another person just because I knew she was important. She is important to the Lord, and the Lord loves her and that is good enough for me. I felt like we connected and had moment in our lives that just connected us, something that I wouldn't ever forget. She said (in English), "We are sisters. You are my sister."

I know, if you're reading this and not feeling the same emotion that I am writing with then this may sound silly. But for me it was a very real experience in getting a glimpse of the pure love of Christ. It was like for those few moments as we hugged that we knew exactly who were were, why were are here on this earth, and that it strengthened our resolve to be Christ-like. I am so grateful for my friend Maria.

Well I doubt most of you have gotten to this part, so I'll wrap things up. I hope its ok to share such personal stories here on the internet. It's a little nerve-wracking, but I wanted to share experiences that have helped me become a more loving and happy person.

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