
Saturday, January 4, 2014

New Year, New Goals, New YOU

I've been debating when or if I'm going to tell more about my "story" of how things have been for me the past 6-12 months, but for now I'll just leave it at this: I have been struggling with BEING the happy, productive person that I want to be. 

I've been waiting for a light switch to go off. A profound comment, a silent answer to a prayer, or just someone to shake me out of this (or slap, or dump a bucket of ice water...). Well, I haven't had some miraculous "turning point", and I'm not sure if i've hit "bottom" or whatever, but one thing is for sure. I'm realizing that I get to CHOOSE and I have not been choosing to be the person I want to be. I procrastinate, think negative thoughts and have make some pretty irrational choices. 

SO. I've decided that I'm going to change. Two inspirations that have helped me are Kandee Johnson (a YouTube guru/make-up artist that I follow) and Alejandra Costello (a professional organizer, who is also on YouTube and her own site Alejandra.TV). These words are part of what helped me overcome my ridiculously negative mind and start making a positive change in my life:

"You're more beautiful than you think, more talented than you know, and more loved that you can possibly imagine." - Kandee Johnson

it's hard to sum up what Alejandra has said that's motivated me, because she has so many awesome videos and inspirational ideas but here are two things (not a quote, just my own summary):

You don't have to do anything, but choosing not to do anything also means there are consequences to that choice. 

Make being productive something fun! If you can, change the way you do things to work for your personality and lifestyle. Try something new, if it doesn't work just keep trying! Don't try to do everything at once, just do things little by little.

So, what am I saying? I guess i'm saying, if you want to join me and be the person YOU have always wanted to be then lets do this together! I'm sure I will need support on those days I don't want to go to the gym, or I read an email that puts me in a terrible mood. I'm not going to make excuses any more. I'm in control, and I take responsibility for being the happy productive ME that I want to be! So follow my blog, leave a comment, watch my vlog (wait... a vlog? yes, i'm thinking of starting some vlogging) and decide today that YOU CAN DO IT!!! Whatever it is that you're wanting to change, you can. 



Heaton said...

So I saw this post a while back, but felt weird leaving a comment. When I first read it I completely agreed with you. Motherhood is not easy and this past year I have struggled like crazy to be happy. To the point that I wondered if I might need some help to get myself out of my negative, gloomy mood. I did not think I was cut out to be a mother. I could not get myself happy and felt I should be able to control my emotions but I let little things stress me out and make my life miserable. It was not until this last week that I finally started to pull myself out. I had to sit down and really evaluate what makes me happy, what causes me stress, and what wastes my time that makes the kids go crazy causing me even more stress. After making these lists I started doing the easy things such as only cleaning twice a week instead of every day and realizing that I had snack food for everyone in the family but nothing that I liked and felt good eating, so I went to the store and got stuff just for me. I realized I was worrying so much about taking care of the family and trying to keep up with the blogging/facebook/pinterest world by having cute stylish kids, elaborate meals, and 'quality' time with the kids that I was causing myself more stress and resentment. I was trying to do the whole perfect LDS mother thing too and obviously that does not work for everyone. As bad as it sounds, it was nice to realize that there are others out there that struggle and we are all trying our best to make it through life. You have to find what works for you even if it does not go along with what everyone else says you should be doing. I hope you are feeling better. At least we have the summer to look forward to which seems to help with the gloomy mood. Best of luck

Heaton said...

So I saw this post a while back, but felt weird leaving a comment. When I first read it I completely agreed with you. Motherhood is not easy and this past year I have struggled like crazy to be happy. To the point that I wondered if I might need some help to get myself out of my negative, gloomy mood. I did not think I was cut out to be a mother. I could not get myself happy and felt I should be able to control my emotions but I let little things stress me out and make my life miserable. It was not until this last week that I finally started to pull myself out. I had to sit down and really evaluate what makes me happy, what causes me stress, and what wastes my time that makes the kids go crazy causing me even more stress. After making these lists I started doing the easy things such as only cleaning twice a week instead of every day and realizing that I had snack food for everyone in the family but nothing that I liked and felt good eating, so I went to the store and got stuff just for me. I realized I was worrying so much about taking care of the family and trying to keep up with the blogging/facebook/pinterest world by having cute stylish kids, elaborate meals, and 'quality' time with the kids that I was causing myself more stress and resentment. I was trying to do the whole perfect LDS mother thing too and obviously that does not work for everyone. As bad as it sounds, it was nice to realize that there are others out there that struggle and we are all trying our best to make it through life. You have to find what works for you even if it does not go along with what everyone else says you should be doing. I hope you are feeling better. At least we have the summer to look forward to which seems to help with the gloomy mood. Best of luck