
Tuesday, March 8, 2011


iBlog... ok iDont

haha but seriously... does anyone think i should be blogging more? does anyone want to know whats up in my/Brock/Howie/Kaila's life?


Lindsey H. said...

You're still in my google reader list! But seriously, don't blog if you don't feel like it. I never was really motivated to do anything but post monthly summaries until after I had my baby. Then I found myself actually wanting to blog a few times a week just for myself. Before that I felt like it was just one more thing on the to-do list! said...

uh of course :)

Kristen. Jason. Sofie said...

i'm a blog reader!! i would read your blog :)

Talia Vaughn said...

I do! Although I have noooo room to talk. I have completely given up on blogging....not good. But I love reading other peoples blogs..

Jon & Aub said...

I know we don't talk all time, but I still would love to know what you guys are up too!!