Well the class I wasn't sure I'd like, I love, and the class I wanted to take, I don't like at all...
I've been seriously considering dropping my 2 econ classes but I know I would regret that forever. Just being two classes away from a second bachelors degree... come on. I can stick it out. And I will rewards myself with a trip to Latin America!
So for those of you that don't know I'll be gone for 5 weeks to Brazil, Chile and Peru meeting executives and banks and financial institutions, as well as serving the people of Peru with helping make recommendations for micro loan funds. I'm way excited and I've waited my whole college career to have an international experience, and now I'll get that chance.
So my sister Nichelle is doing better from her accident, but today she had to go in for surgery on her hip. The doctors had to re-dislocate it, and pop it back in so they could take out the bone shards that chipped off. Apparently they found out she broke 8 ribs, unlike the 6 we thought she did.
EIGHT RIBS!! She only has 12 and she broke 8! The poor girl is getting worse as she's getting better! I hope we don't have anymore surprise injuries that reveal themselves.
Brock and I went to visit Danielle and Mike Klappoth this weekend. It was so fun to hang with Dani. Silly boys just killed Nazi Bomzies all night.
Well I do have plenty of reading to do: the mystery of capital by Hernando de Soto and of course.... text books.
Thanks for reading!