
Saturday, June 28, 2008

Breaking Tradition

I'm going to go ahead and break the tradition of posting once a year, and see if I can yet again challenge myself to get back into blogging. Brock and I have a new puppy (as opposed to an old puppy) named Howie. He is a little Yorkshire Terrier and he is so spunky. We got him on June 7 from a family in American Fork. They said that they didn't want their Yorkies to have puppies just yet but their little girl let the boy dog out, and one thing led to another- and Howie was born!

Brock graduated this May, as i'm sure all you know, with B.A. in Psychology, and is working at the Hampton Inn. I have 40 credits left, aka a little over 1 year, and I am working at Deseret First Credit Union.

Well that's kind of boring, stay tuned for cool features on this blog-- as soon as I can figure them out, or as soon as Trisha gets here and can show me how. :P

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