
Saturday, May 24, 2014

Dinner with the Bishop

Well it's already been such a ride so far.  Not necessary a [wild] ride or a [crazy] ride but more of a fun, exciting, whoa this is gonna be new and different but fun and challenging kind of ride.

Ever since Brock made the decision to go back to school and get his MSHR / MBA degrees I look back to the point in time where I received the prompting that this was the right choice. I remember sitting in the car with Brock after a drive home from Smithfield. I don't remember exactly what the thought I had was, but I do remember feeling "This is the right thing for your family to do. We will take care of you as you embark on this journey".

Well. It's still true.

I truly feel that all things happen for a reason. That we are given opportunities and we must stay in tuned with the Holy Ghost in order to continually course correct, and keep the lines of communication open with the Lord. When we found out we were going to Dekalb, Illinois... [which was #6 out of 10 on Brock's "Internship Location Wish List"] I was bummed. I felt bad he didn't get any of his top 5 location requests. But then things changed, and Brock and I both felt excited for this opportunity. And then we started feeling like, we wouldn't want it any other way.

Then about two weeks before we left, we called the Bishop here to 1) let him know we were willing to serve in callings during our 12-week stay and 2) to see if he knew of a place to stay other than a hotel.

Well, one week later we got a call back from Bishop Malley saying he OK'd it with our current bishop and our church records were transferred. He said, "I've never done this over the phone before, but I'd like to extend callings to you". The Lord needs us to serve, and we are definitely willing to do so.

So tonight, in about 30 minutes, we are heading over to Bishop Malley's house to have dinner with him and his family. (Nom, nom, nom).

And oh by the way he lives two minutes away...
And oh by the way the church is three minutes away...
And oh by the way I just finished the final touches on my sunday school lesson I'm teaching tomorrow...

Ha. I'm so excited for this summer. I think I nailed it when on January 1, 2014 I posted my theme for the year:


If you want to join me and my hashtag themes, please do. Life is wonderful. Live it for others and you'll find you'll live the best life for yourself. I am so happy because of the choice I have made to live my life in tune with the gospel of Jesus Christ. There is no other substitute for true happiness.

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