Robert D. Hales
- The Lord wants us to study the conference talks regularly (great FHE topics!)
- The Lord will hear our prayers, and strengthen and guide us home
- To achieve our goals, they must be a constant focus and desire
- Each day we should work on being better than the last, try to overcome our weaknesses as fast as possible
- Learn to control your temper so we can qualify for the characteristic of meekness
- We receive all priesthood blessings and covenants as individuals, except for the covenant of marriage. It is only available to a man and a woman.
- We need to have reverence and respect for each other (men and women) we have different gifts and strengths, we each need to fill individual roles and responsibilities so that all may benefit
- Women should show respect for men, and recieve blessing of the priesthood with gratitute, grace and dignity
There is sunshine in my soul! Greater than any earthy sky, because Jesus is my light.
Edward Dube
- We should accept our callings with 100% commitment
- We should lead from the past but don't live in the past
- Blessings from keeping the law of tithing can be ordinary, simple, and may go unnoticed unless we are in tune with the spirit. Sometimes we emphasize the immediate, dramatic and temporal
- Significant but subtle blessing that can be discerned if we are spiritually attentive and observant
- gratitude that keeps us content with what we have, rather than unhappy and focused on what we don't have
- greater capacity to act and change our own circumstances
- we may work for a pay raise, we must notice an increased capacity to do more with less, prioritize and simplify, take proper care of the material possessions we have already acquired
- the blessing may be a greater capacity to change our circumstances, than for someone or something to make that change for us
- Faith, Peace and Hope may not be the blessing we think we want, but they allow us to move forward with more physical and mental stamina
- eyes that see more clearly, hear that hear more consistently
- Simplicity of the Lords Way
- Doctrine and Covenants 119 and 120 is the Lords financial laws
- Live within our means and do not spend more than what you earn
- A portion of your annual income should be set aside as a reserve for unanticipated needs (food, fuel and money)
Boyd K. Packer
- If we teach our children to love and read the scriptures while they are you they will be blessed with the ability to stay close to the gospel, and if they stray, they will be able to find their way back
D. Todd Christopherson [Great Talk, Need to Read Again]
- Violent video games and movies are soul-numbing and should be avoided
S. Gifford Nielsen
Exclamation point!
Henry B. Eyring
We must magnify our calling and be willing to serve with all our hearts even if we think because of our family situations we can't or shouldn't be asked to serve.
There is joy guaranteed to the faithful. With the help of the Holy Ghost all truths shall be brought to our remembrance.
Dallin H. Oaks (Watch this again)
The first two commandments direct our worship to The Lord.
Mercy is show. Unto those that love The Lord and keep his commandments.
We offend God when we serve other things before him. What is our ultimate priority?
God's commandments are based on and inseparable from the Plan of Salvation.
Our priorities must be in line with the Plan of Salvation or we offend God.
The ultimate blessing that we can receive are our children and our family.
We must be respectful of the religious beliefs of others and be hopeful that others will respect our beliefs.
The unique characteristics of male and female are essential to our Heavenly Father's Plan.
Man's Law does not change God's law and His commandments.
Remember, our first priority is to serve God. Courage, not compromise, is what we must have.
We must never deviate from our paramount desire which is to obtain eternal life.
Bonnie L. Oscarson
Choose ye this day whom ye will serve.
We live in perilous times and the decisions that you are called to make have eternal consequences. Follow the guidance of the Holy Ghost. Become truly converted.
Exclamation point!
Henry B. Eyring
We must magnify our calling and be willing to serve with all our hearts even if we think because of our family situations we can't or shouldn't be asked to serve.
There is joy guaranteed to the faithful. With the help of the Holy Ghost all truths shall be brought to our remembrance.
Dallin H. Oaks (Watch this again)
The first two commandments direct our worship to The Lord.
Mercy is show. Unto those that love The Lord and keep his commandments.
We offend God when we serve other things before him. What is our ultimate priority?
God's commandments are based on and inseparable from the Plan of Salvation.
Our priorities must be in line with the Plan of Salvation or we offend God.
The ultimate blessing that we can receive are our children and our family.
We must be respectful of the religious beliefs of others and be hopeful that others will respect our beliefs.
The unique characteristics of male and female are essential to our Heavenly Father's Plan.
Man's Law does not change God's law and His commandments.
Remember, our first priority is to serve God. Courage, not compromise, is what we must have.
We must never deviate from our paramount desire which is to obtain eternal life.
Bonnie L. Oscarson
Choose ye this day whom ye will serve.
We live in perilous times and the decisions that you are called to make have eternal consequences. Follow the guidance of the Holy Ghost. Become truly converted.